Pastor of Church Planting (Full-time)

Purpose of Job

Park Cities Presbyterian Church has played a vital role in the area of church planting over the past 25 years. The Pastor of Church Planting will be tasked with continuing to champion this cause at PCPC while charting a course for our future. The Pastor of Church Planting, in coordination with other aspects of PCPC’s Missions efforts, will seek to develop individuals for the work of church planting, develop the church planting that is done within PCPC’s current church planting networks, i.e., Southwest Church Planting Network (SWCPN), North Texas Presbytery (NTP), and Mission to North America (MNA), with great stewardship and faithfulness, and lead us into healthy church planting as we trust God to plant churches out of PCPC.

Alignment with Mission and Vision
PCPC’s Church Planting Ministry exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ by joining God in the formation of individuals for church planting and setting direction for church planting at and through PCPC. This involves knowing what skills and experiences are needed for those who will embark on the journey of church planting and knowing how to facilitate adult discipleship in those areas.

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Director of Children's Ministry (Full-time)

Purpose of Job

As part of Family Ministries, oversee the ministry of shepherding children ages birth to 5th grade and provide oversight of the Children’s Ministry programming and staff. Direct a healthy, gospel-centered ministry to Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary-age children that will nurture their spiritual growth and equip them to be life-long followers of Jesus Christ. Provide direct leadership over Elementary Sunday morning programming and shepherding of volunteers. Partner with parents to encourage and equip them in their primary role of discipling their children. Shepherd and equip volunteer leaders to serve in the Children’s Ministry. Fully integrate with Family Ministries and partner with all the ministries of PCPC to strengthen families in building Christ-centered, Gospel-saturated homes.

Alignment with Mission and Vision

This job helps to fulfill the mission and vision of PCPC by providing leadership within our Children’s Ministry to CONNECT our families to PCPC and one another, teach our children to ABIDE in Christ and His Word, and EXTEND the gospel with gospel-centered teaching and shepherding of our children, families, Children’s staff, and volunteers.

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Two-Year High School Male or Female Youth Resident (Full-time)

Purpose of Job

Lead 9th – 12th grade students and their families into the body of Christ, nurture them in their relationship with Christ, and equip them to serve in the name of Christ. Perform all work to the glory of God.

Alignment with Mission and Vision

Out of the overflow of an abiding relationship with Jesus and in the context of a team (both the youth staff and volunteer leaders), a youth resident seeks to reach students who do not know Jesus, disciple those who do, and send disciples to be servants and missionaries in Dallas and the world.

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Part-Time Ministry Leader of Nursery (Part-time)

Purpose of Job

Provide oversight and coordinate the Nursery (birth through 3 years) on Sunday mornings as an integral part of the overall Children's Ministry. Align, implement, and maintain Nursery as a part of PCPC’s Children’s Ministry as well as larger overall Family Ministries vision. Recruit, train, and partner with teams of volunteer church members who will disciple children in a Gospel-centered ministry on Sunday mornings. Ensure that all Nursery programming adheres to Children’s Ministry policies and procedures including PCPC Abuse Awareness and Prevention System. Perform all PCPC work to the glory of God.

Alignment with Mission and Vision

We support the mission of the church by connecting our little ones to Christ and helping families build community at PCPC. We abide in Christ by sharing His word with them every time we meet. We recruit and train passionate volunteers who love Jesus and love sharing Him with the little ones so they will grow to know Him as Lord and Savior.

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Part-Time Tuesday Morning Childcare Worker (Part-time)

Purpose of Job

Assist the Childcare Ministry in the care and nurture of babies and children between three months of age to kindergarten.

Tuesday morning Bible Studies are scheduled between 9:00 am – 12:00 pm on Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters. 

The hourly paid rate for childcare workers is $23.00 an hour at PCPC.

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Part-Time Childcare Worker (Part-time)

Purpose of Job

Assist the Childcare Ministry in the care and nurture of babies and children between three months of age to kindergarten.

Weekly morning Bible Studies and ESL classes are scheduled between 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Monday – Thursday. Evening ESL classes are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings between 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Other events revolving around the Children’s Ministry are planned throughout the year, which may require childcare. 

The hourly paid rate for childcare workers is $23.00 an hour at PCPC.

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